Brahmamudi Serial Today Episode In Telugu – 2024
Brahmamudi serial Today episode in Telugu 2024 October 17: Raj celebrates the wedding ceremony by exchanging garlands with Kanakam and Krishnamurti. But there is no end to Kavya. Why has there been such a change in Raj’s behavior? What happened? It keeps thinking. In this order, Rudrani starts her hunt. What has Kanakam planned? Why has Raj changed so much? He thinks. But as part of the wedding day, Kanakam reveals another last wish in front of Raj. That is. Rajni wants her three daughters.. to sit in the puja with the in-laws.. to do the fast. But first, it was not because of me. Now, your daughter Kavya sits on the hill. He says it is not for me to convince him. But Kanakam. Babu.. says Daggi Daggi.. convinces Raj by drowning him in cancer drama. Raj takes it upon himself to persuade Kavya to sit on the pedestal with him.
I Will Be Less Near Kavya. Raj Said..Brahmamudi Serial Today Episode In Telugu
And when Kanakam feels okay with Raj. On the other hand, Aparna Devi and Indira Devi also say, ‘We should prepare Raj and send him to Kavya so that his mind does not reverse even if Kavya reverses or gets angry. But then Raj doesn’t budge. He goes to Raj, saying that he has to be convinced first. ‘Look, Dad. Even if Kavya does a bit better, consider your mother-in-law’s health. Except that… don’t go here. Raj goes to Kavya and says, ‘I will go down if necessary, mommy.. don’t worry.’
This Fast Is Not For Me Kalavati
Kanakam, Aparna Devi, and Indira Devi are together, watching and listening to everything from the other window. Raj and Kavya are always fighting. If Raj is trying to hide… but Kavya is not going down. ‘Kalavati is for me in this vratam… for my mother’s sake… will you politely sit on the Peeta or not?’ says Raj. Kavya says, ‘I will talk to my mother. ‘Father-in-law can’t say a single word… if there is anything, talk to me,’ says Raj.
Kanakam Batch Happy
‘I will sit.. but marriage vow means husband and wife should sit. And by what right should I sit? Should my mother sit as Kanakam’s daughter? Or sit as a daughter-in-law? Kavya says. ‘Sit as my wife. I am saying this to my mother’s happiness. I am not saying this for your mother’s happiness. Saying to think for us, too..’ And if the scene is cut, Banti will be talking to himself. It takes a bit of money.
Horn Dipped Ball
Appu is distraught. Rudrani also hears everything. ‘This is the matter. I will tell you their work gets fixed in her mind. If the scene is cut, the wedding ceremony will begin. Here, Appu, Kavi, Swapna, and Rahul sit on stools. Raj is also sitting on the stool.. waiting for Kavya. Kavya comes and sits. Puja starts. And Rudrani will receive. Reveals the truth he knows.
Meanwhile the coming up started. Raj will be shocked. ‘It means that the daughter (Kavya) also played this drama with the mother… I don’t believe in this family anymore,’ says Raj. Let’s see the next part of this fuss.
Rudrani Heard..Brahmamudi Serial Today Episode In Telugu
He thinks, ‘Peddamma (Kanakam) has so much wisdom… she has put Raj’s brother on the line.’ Appu heard those words. ‘What are you saying?’ She inquires. Just then, Rudrani hears their words. She comes to the window and listens to everything. ‘It’s not what it is, sister,’ Bunty is laughing. ‘Are you telling the truth or not?’ Appu says angrily. Banti says, ‘It was the sister who lied to Raj’s brother-in-law that Grandmother had cancer.